211. Validation and benchmarking of two particle-in-cell codes for a glow discharge Author(s): Carlsson, J.; Khrabrov, A.; Kaganovich, I.; Sommerer, T.; Keating, D. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2017
212. Blob Structure and Motion in the Edge and SOL of NSTX Author(s): Zweben, S. J.; Myra, J. R.; Davis, W. M.; D'Ippolito, D. A.; Gray, T. K.; Kaye, S. M.; LeBlanc, B. P.; Maqueda, R. J.; Russell, D. A.; Stotler, D. P. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016
213. Collisional dependence of Alfven mode saturation in tokamaks Author(s): Zhou, M.; White, R. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016
214. Compact and multi-view solid state neutral particle analyzer arrays on National Spherical Torus Experiment-Upgrade Author(s): Liu, D.; Heidbrink, W. W.; Tritz, K.; Fredrickson, E. D.; Hao, G. Z.; Zhu, Y. B. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016
215. Development of miniaturized, spectroscopically assisted Penning gauges for fractional helium and hydrogen neutral pressure measurements Author(s): Flesch, K.; Kremeyer, T.; Schmitz, O.; Soukhanovskii, V.; Wenzel, U. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016
216. Diagnostics for molybdenum and tungsten erosion and transport in NSTX-U Author(s): Scotti, F.; Soukhanovskii, V.; Weller, M. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016
217. Effect of progressively increasing lithium conditioning on edge transport and stability in high triangularity NSTX H-modes Author(s): Maingi, R.; Canik, J. M.; Bell, R. E.; Boyle, D. P.; Diallo, A.; Kaita, R.; Kaye, S. M.; LeBlanc, B. P.; Sabbagh, S. A.; Scotti, F.; Soukhanovskii, V. A. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016
218. Exploration of magnetic perturbation effects on advanced divertor configurations in NSTX-U Author(s): Frerichs, H.; Waters, I.; Schmitz, O.; Canal, G. P.; Evans, T. E.; Feng, Y.; Soukhanovskii, V. A. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016
219. Far-infrared tangential interferometer/polarimeter design and installation for NSTX-U Author(s): Scott, E. R.; Barchfeld, R.; Riemenschneider, P.; Domier, C. W.; Muscatello, C. M.; Sohrabi, M.; Kaita, R.; Ren, Y.; Luhmann Jr., N. C. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016
220. Fusion Nuclear Science Facilities and Pilot Plants Based on the Spherical Tokamak Author(s): Menard, J. E.; Brown, T.; El-Guebaly, L.; Boyer, M.; Canik, J.; Colling, B.; Raman, R.; Wang, Z.; Zhai, Y.; Buxton, P.; Covele, B.; D'Angelo, C.; Davis, A.; Gerhardt, S.; Gryaznevich, M.; Harb, M.; Hender, T. C.; Kaye, S.; Kingham, D.; Kotschenreuther, M.; Mahajan, S.; Maingi, R.; Marriott, E.; Meier, E. T.; Mynsberge, L.; Neumeyer, C.; Ono, M.; Park, J. -K.; Sabbagh, S. A.; Soukhanovskii, V.; Valanju, P.; Woolley, R. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016