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The dataset contains the model file for the Global Adjoint Tomography Model 25 (GLAD-M25). The model file contains parameters defined on the spectral-element mesh and is recommend to be used in SPECFEM3D GLOBE for seismic wave simulation at the global scale.
This dataset contains input and output files to reproduce the results of the manuscript "Homogeneous ice nucleation in an ab initio machine learning model" by Pablo M. Piaggi, Jack Weis, Athanassios Z. Panagiotopoulos, Pablo G. Debenedetti, and Roberto Car (arXiv preprint https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01376). In this work, we studied the homogeneous nucleation of ice from supercooled liquid water using a machine learning model trained on ab initio energies and forces. Since nucleation takes place over times much longer than the simulation times that can be afforded using molecular dynamics simulations, we make use of the seeding technique that is based on simulating an ice cluster embedded in liquid water. The key quantity provided by the seeding technique is the size of the critical cluster (i.e., a size such that the cluster has equal probabilities of growing or shrinking at the given supersaturation). Using data from the seeding simulations and the equations of classical nucleation theory we compute nucleation rates that can be compared with experiments.
This dataset comprises of data associated with the publication "Transferability of data-driven, many-body models for CO2 simulations in the vapor and liquid phases", which can be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0080061. The data includes calculations for a Many-Body decomposition, virial coefficient calculations, orientational molecular scan energies, potential energy fields, correlation plots of training and testing data, vapor-liquid equilibrium simulations, liquid density simulations, and solid cell simulations.
The bitKlavier Grand consists of sample collections of a new Steinway D grand piano from nine different stereo mic images, with: 16 velocity layers, at every minor 3rd (starting at A0); Hammer release samples; Release resonance samples; Pedal samples. Release packages at 96k/24bit, 88.2k/24bit, 48k/24bit, 44.1k/16bit are available for various applications.
The bitKlavier Grand consists of sample collections of a new Steinway D grand piano from nine different stereo mic images, with: 16 velocity layers, at every minor 3rd (starting at A0); Hammer release samples; Release resonance samples; Pedal samples.
Release packages at 96k/24bit, 88.2k/24bit, 48k/24bit, 44.1k/16bit are available for various applications.
The bitKlavier Grand consists of sample collections of a new Steinway D grand piano from nine different stereo mic images, with: 16 velocity layers, at every minor 3rd (starting at A0); Hammer release samples; Release resonance samples; Pedal samples. Release packages at 96k/24bit, 88.2k/24bit, 48k/24bit, 44.1k/16bit are available for various applications.
The bitKlavier Grand consists of sample collections of a new Steinway D grand piano from nine different stereo mic images, with: 16 velocity layers, at every minor 3rd (starting at A0); Hammer release samples; Release resonance samples; Pedal samples. Release packages at 96k/24bit, 88.2k/24bit, 48k/24bit, 44.1k/16bit are available for various applications.
The bitKlavier Grand consists of sample collections of a new Steinway D grand piano from nine different stereo mic images, with: 16 velocity layers, at every minor 3rd (starting at A0); Hammer release samples; Release resonance samples; Pedal samples. Release packages at 96k/24bit, 88.2k/24bit, 48k/24bit, 44.1k/16bit are available for various applications.
The bitKlavier Grand consists of sample collections of a new Steinway D grand piano from nine different stereo mic images, with: 16 velocity layers, at every minor 3rd (starting at A0); Hammer release samples; Release resonance samples; Pedal samples. Release packages at 96k/24bit, 88.2k/24bit, 48k/24bit, 44.1k/16bit are available for various applications.
The bitKlavier Grand consists of sample collections of a new Steinway D grand piano from nine different stereo mic images, with: 16 velocity layers, at every minor 3rd (starting at A0); Hammer release samples; Release resonance samples; Pedal samples. Release packages at 96k/24bit, 88.2k/24bit, 48k/24bit, 44.1k/16bit are available for various applications.
Kim, Donghoon; Duffy, Thomas S.; Smith, Raymond F.; Ocampo, Ian K.; Coppari, Federica; Marshall, Michelle C.; Ginnane, Mary Kate; Wicks, June; Tracy, Sally J.; Millot, Marius; Lazicki, Amy; Rygg, Jame R.; Eggert, Jon H.
Sharma, A. Y.; Cole, M. D. J.; Görler, T.; Chen, Y.; Hatch, D. R.; Guttenfelder, W.; Hager, R.; Sturdevant, B. J.; Ku, S.; Mishchenko, A.; Chang, C. S.
This dataset includes information about approximately 6,000 books and other items with bibliographic data as well as summary information about when the item circulated in the Shakespeare and Company lending library and the number of times an item was borrowed or purchased.
The Shakespeare and Company Project: Lending Library Events dataset includes information about approximately 35,000 lending library events including membership activities such as subscriptions, renewals and reimbursements and book-related activities such as borrowing and purchasing. For events related to lending library cards that are available as digital surrogates, IIIF links are provided.
The Shakespeare and Company Project: Lending Library Members dataset includes information about approximately 5,200 members of Sylvia Beach's Shakespeare and Company lending library.
The Shakespeare and Company Project makes three datasets available to download in CSV and JSON formats. The datasets provide information about lending library members; the books that circulated in the lending library; and lending library events, including borrows, purchases, memberships, and renewals. The datasets may be used individually or in combination site URLs are consistent identifiers across all three.