431. Data for "Measurement and reduction of Ar metastable densities by nitrogen admixing in electron beam generated plasmas" Author(s): Yatom, Shurik; Chopra, Nirbhav; Kondeti, Santosh; Petrova, Tzvetelina B.; Raitses, Yevgeny; Boris, David R.; Johnson, Michael J.; Walton, Scott G. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2023
432. Examination of OH and H2O2 production by uniform and non-uniform modes of dielectric barrier discharge in He/air mixture Author(s): Yatom, Shurik; Dobrynin, Danil Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2022
433. Amplification of local changes along the timescale processing hierarchy Author(s): Yeshurun, Yaara; Nguyen, Mai; Hasson, Uri Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2017
434. Same story, different story: the neural representation of interpretive frameworks Author(s): Yeshurun, Yaara; Swanson, S; Simony, Erez; Chen, Janice; Lazaridi, C; Honey, Chris; Hasson, Uri Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016
435. Dataset for the paper 'anomalous resistivity and electron heating by lower hybrid drift waves during magnetic reconnection with a guide field' Author(s): Yoo, Jongsoo; Ng, Jonathan; Ji, Hantao; Bose, Sayak; Goodman, Aaron; Alt, Andrew; Chen, Li-Jen; Shi, Peiyun; Yamada, Masaaki Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2024
436. Effects of Coulomb collisions on lower hybrid drift waves inside a laboratory reconnection current sheet Author(s): Yoo, Jongsoo; Hu, Yi-Bo; Ji, Jeong-Young; Ji, Hantao; Yamada, Masaaki; Goodman, Aaron; Bergstedt, Kendra; Fox, William; Alt, Andrew Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
437. Electron heating and energy inventory during asymmetric reconnection in a laboratory plasma Author(s): Yoo, Jongsoo; Byungkeun, Na; Jara-Almonte, Jonathan; Yamada, Masaaki; Ji, Hantao; Roytershteyn, V.; Argall, M. R.; Fox, W.; Chen, Li-Jen Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2017
438. Lower Hybrid Drift Waves During Guide Field Reconnection Author(s): Yoo, Jongsoo; Ji, Jeong-Young; Ambat, M.V.; Wang, Shan; Ji, Hantao; Lo, Jenson; Li, Bowen; Ren, Yang; Jara-Almonte, J.; Fox, William; Yamada, Masaaki; Alt, Andrew; Goodman, Aaron Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2020
439. Probe measurements of electric field and electron density fluctuations at megahertz frequencies using in-shaft miniature circuits Author(s): Yoo, Jongsoo; Hu, Yi-Bo; Ji, Hantao; Goodman, Aaron; Wu, Xuemei Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
440. Whistler wave generation by anisotropic tail electrons during asymmetric magnetic reconnection in space and laboratory Author(s): Yoo, Jongsoo; Jara-Almonte, J.; Yerger, Evan; Wang, Shan; Qian, Tony; Le, Ari; Ji, Hantao; Yamada, Masaaki; Fox, William; Kim, Eun-Hwa; Chen, Li-Jen; Gershman, Daniel Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2018