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This dataset contains all data relevant to a forthcoming publication in which we used molecular simulation methods to study the phase behavior of supercooled water. The dataset contains simulation input and output files, processed data files, and image files used to create all plots in the manuscript. Python analysis scripts are also included, including instructions for how to re-generate all plots in the manuscript.
Gartner, Thomas III; Zhang, Linfeng; Piaggi, Pablo; Car, Roberto; Panagiotopoulos, Athanassios; Debenedetti, Pablo
This dataset contains all data related to the publication "Signatures of a liquid-liquid transition in an ab initio deep neural network model for water", by Gartner et al., 2020. In this work, we used neural networks to generate a computational model for water using high-accuracy quantum chemistry calculations. Then, we used advanced molecular simulations to demonstrate evidence that suggests this model exhibits a liquid-liquid transition, a phenomenon that can explain many of water's anomalous properties. This dataset contains links to all software used, all data generated as part of this work, as well as scripts to generate and analyze all data and generate the plots reported in the publication.