441. Phase coherence of parametric-decay modes during high-harmonic fast-wave heating in the National Spherical Torus Experiment Author(s): Carlsson, J.; Wilson, J. R.; Hosea, J.; Greenough, N.; Perkins, R. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016
442. Phase space effects on fast ion distribution function modeling in tokamaks Author(s): Podesta, M.; Gorelenkova, M.; Fredrickson, E. D.; Gorelenkov, N. N.; White, R. B. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016
443. Quasi-linear gyrokinetic predictions of the Coriolis momentum pinch in NSTX Author(s): Guttenfelder, W.; Kaye, S. M.; Ren, Y.; Solomon, W.; Bell, R. E.; Candy, J.; Gerhardt, S. P.; LeBlanc, B. P.; Yuh, H. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016
444. Quasi-static and dynamic magnetic tension forces in arched, line-tied magnetic flux ropes Author(s): Myers, Clayton; Yamada, Masaaki; Ji, Hantao; Yoo, Jongsoo; Jara-Almonte, Jonathan; Fox, William Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016
445. Real-time Radiative Divertor Feedback Control Development for the NSTX-U Tokamak using a Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectrometer Author(s): Soukhanovskii, V. A.; Kaita, R.; Stratton, B. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016
446. Remote-sensing gas measurements with coherent Rayleigh-Brillouin scattering Author(s): Gerakis, A.; Shneider, M. N.; Stratton, B. C. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016
447. Resonance in Fast-Wave Amplitude in the Periphery of Cylindrical Plasmas and Application to Edge Losses of Wave Heating Power in Tokamaks Author(s): Perkins, R. J.; Hosea, J. C.; Bertelli, N.; Taylor, G.; Wilson, J. R. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016
448. Same story, different story: the neural representation of interpretive frameworks Author(s): Yeshurun, Yaara; Swanson, S; Simony, Erez; Chen, Janice; Lazaridi, C; Honey, Chris; Hasson, Uri Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016
449. Saturation of Alfven modes in tokamaks Author(s): White, R.; Gorelenkov, N.; Gorelenkova, M.; Podesta, M.; Ethier, S.; Chen, Y. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016