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This dataset contains all data relevant to a forthcoming publication in which we used molecular simulation methods to study the phase behavior of supercooled water. The dataset contains simulation input and output files, processed data files, and image files used to create all plots in the manuscript. Python analysis scripts are also included, including instructions for how to re-generate all plots in the manuscript.
The bitKlavier Grand consists of sample collections of a new Steinway D grand piano from nine different stereo mic images, with: 16 velocity layers, at every minor 3rd (starting at A0); Hammer release samples; Release resonance samples; Pedal samples. Release packages at 96k/24bit, 88.2k/24bit, 48k/24bit, 44.1k/16bit are available for various applications.
Kim, Donghoon; Duffy, Thomas S.; Smith, Raymond F.; Ocampo, Ian K.; Coppari, Federica; Marshall, Michelle C.; Ginnane, Mary Kate; Wicks, June; Tracy, Sally J.; Millot, Marius; Lazicki, Amy; Rygg, Jame R.; Eggert, Jon H.