1. Complementary learning systems within the hippocampus: A neural network modeling approach to reconciling episodic memory with statistical learning Author(s): Schapiro, Anna; Turk-Browne, Nicholas; Botvinick, Matthew; Norman, Kenneth Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016
2. Dynamic reconfiguration of the default mode network during narrative comprehension Author(s): Simony, Erez; Honey, Christopher; Chen, Janice; Lositsky, Olga; Yeshurun, Yaara; Wiesel, Ami; Hasson, Uri Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016
3. MultiChannel Pattern Analysis: Correlation-Based Decoding with fNIRS Author(s): Emberson, Lauren; Zinszer, Benjamin Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016
4. Natural Movie - Grass Stalks Author(s): Ioffe, ML; Palmer, SEP; Berry II, MJ Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016
5. Natural Movie - Water Surface (Ripples) Author(s): Ioffe, ML; Berry, MJ II; Palmer, SEP Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016
6. Neural pattern change during encoding of a narrative predicts retrospective duration estimates Author(s): Lositsky, Olga; Chen, Janice; Toker, Daniel; Honey, Christopher; Hasson, Uri; Norman, Kenneth Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016
7. Same story, different story: the neural representation of interpretive frameworks Author(s): Yeshurun, Yaara; Swanson, S; Simony, Erez; Chen, Janice; Lazaridi, C; Honey, Chris; Hasson, Uri Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016