121. Fusion Nuclear Science Facilities and Pilot Plants Based on the Spherical Tokamak Author(s): Menard, J. E.; Brown, T.; El-Guebaly, L.; Boyer, M.; Canik, J.; Colling, B.; Raman, R.; Wang, Z.; Zhai, Y.; Buxton, P.; Covele, B.; D'Angelo, C.; Davis, A.; Gerhardt, S.; Gryaznevich, M.; Harb, M.; Hender, T. C.; Kaye, S.; Kingham, D.; Kotschenreuther, M.; Mahajan, S.; Maingi, R.; Marriott, E.; Meier, E. T.; Mynsberge, L.; Neumeyer, C.; Ono, M.; Park, J. -K.; Sabbagh, S. A.; Soukhanovskii, V.; Valanju, P.; Woolley, R. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016
122. Overview of NSTX Upgrade Initial Results and Modelling Highlights Author(s): Menard, J. E.; Allain, J. P.; Battaglia, D. J.; Bedoya, F.; Bell, R. E.; Belova, E.; Berkery, J. W.; Boyer, M. D.; Crocker, N.; Diallo, A.; Ebrahimi, F.; Ferraro, N.; Fredrickson, E.; Frerichs, H.; Gerhardt, S.; Gorelenkov, N.; Guttenfelder, W.; Heidbrink, W.; Kaita, R.; Kaye, S. M.; Kriete, D. M.; Kubota, S.; LeBlanc, B. P.; Liu, D.; Lunsford, R.; Mueller, D.; Myers, C. E.; Ono, M.; Park, J. -K.; Podesta, M.; Raman, R.; Reinke, M.; Ren, Y.; Sabbagh, S. M.; Schmitz, O.; Scotti, F.; Sechrest, Y.; Skinner, C. H.; Smith, D. R.; Soukhanovskii, V.; Stoltzfus-Dueck, T.; Yuh, H.; Wang, Z.; Waters, I.; Ahn, J. -W.; Andre, A.; Barchfeld, R.; Beiersdorfer, P.; Bertelli, N.; Bhattacharjee, A.; Boyle, D.; Brennan, D.; Buttery, R.; Capece, A.; Canal, G.; Canik, J.; Chang, C. S.; Darrow, D.; Delgado-Aparicio, L.; Domier, C.; Ethier, S.; Evans, T.; Ferron, J.; Finkenthal, M.; Fonck, R.; Gan, K.; Gates, D.; Goumiri, I.; Gray, T.; Hosea, J.; Humphreys, D.; Jarboe, T.; Jardin, S.; Jaworski, M. A.; Koel, B.; Kolemen, E.; Ku, S.; LaHaye, R. J.; Levinton, F.; Luhmann Jr., N.; Maingi, R.; Maqueda, R.; McKee, G.; Meier, E.; Myra, J.; Perkins, R.; Poli, F.; Rhodes, T.; Riquezes, J.; Rowley, C.; Russell, D.; Schuster, E.; Stratton, B.; Stutman, D.; Taylor, G.; Tritz, K.; Wang, W.; Wirth, B.; Zweben, S. J. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2017
123. Fusion Pilot Plant performance and the role of a Sustained High Power Density tokamak Author(s): Menard, Jonathan; Grierson, Brian; Brown, Tom; Rana, Chirag; Zhai, Yuhu; Poli, Francesca; Maingi, Rajesh; Guttenfelder, Walter; Snyder, Philip Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2022
124. Implementation of higher-order velocity mapping between marker particles and grid in the particle-in-cell code XGC Author(s): Mollén, Albert; Adams, Mark F.; Knepley, Matthew G.; Hager, Robert; Chang, C. S. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
125. Data for "Chasing the multi-modal plasma response in MAST-U" Author(s): Munaretto, Stefano; Liu, Yueqiang; Ryan, David; Hao, Guangzhou; Berkery, John; Blackmore, Sam; Kogan, Lucy Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2023
126. Data for "Impact of error field and error field correction on heat fluxes in SPARC" Author(s): Munaretto, Stefano Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2024
127. Time dependent analysis of visible helium line-ratios for electron temperature and density diagnostic using synthetic simulations on NSTX-U Author(s): Munoz Burgos, J. M.; Barbui, T.; Schmitz, O.; Stutman, D.; Tritz, K. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016
128. A multi-machine scaling of halo current rotation Author(s): Myers, C. E.; Eidietis, N. W.; Gerasimov, S. N.; Gerhardt, S. P.; Granetz, R. S.; Hender, T. C.; Pautasso, G. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2017
129. A dynamic magnetic tension force as the cause of failed solar eruptions Author(s): Myers, Clayton; Yamada, Maasaki; Ji, Hantao; Yoo, Jongsoo; Fox, William; Jara-Almonte, Jonathan; Savcheva, Antonia; DeLuca, Edward Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2015
130. Laboratory study of low-beta forces in arched, line-tied magnetic flux ropes Author(s): Myers, Clayton; Yamada, Masaaki; Ji, Hantao; Yoo, Jongsoo; Jara-Almonte, Jonathan; Fox, William Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016