221. Theory based scaling of edge turbulence and implications for the scrape-off layer width Author(s): Myra, J. R.; Russell, D. A.; Zweben, S. J. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016
222. Theory of the tertiary instability and the Dimits shift from reduced drift-wave models Author(s): Zhu, Hongxuan; Zhou, Yao; Dodin, I. Y. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2020
223. Theory of the tertiary instability and the Dimits shift within a scalar model Author(s): Zhu, Hongxuan; Zhou, Yao; Dodin, I. Y. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2020
224. Thermal ion kinetic effects and Landau damping in fishbone modes Author(s): Liu, Chang; Jardin, Stephen; Bao, Jian; Gorelenkov, Nikolai; Brennan, Dylan; Yang, James; Podesta, Mario Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2022
225. Three New Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrometers on NSTX-U for Impurity Monitoring Author(s): Weller, M. E.; Beiersdorfer, P.; Soukhanovskii, V.; Magee, E. W.; Scotti, F. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016
226. Time dependent analysis of visible helium line-ratios for electron temperature and density diagnostic using synthetic simulations on NSTX-U Author(s): Munoz Burgos, J. M.; Barbui, T.; Schmitz, O.; Stutman, D.; Tritz, K. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2016
227. To dee or not to dee: costs and benefits of altering the triangularity of a steady-state DEMO-like reactor Author(s): Schwartz, Jacob A.; Nelson, A. O.; Kolemen, Egemen Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2022
228. Topological Langmuir-cyclotron wave Author(s): Fu, Yichen; Qin, Hong Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2022
229. Topological phases and bulk-edge correspondence of magnetized cold plasmas Author(s): Fu, Yichen; Qin, Hong Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2020
230. Toward fusion plasma scenario planning for NSTX-U using machine-learning-accelerated models Author(s): Boyer, Mark D. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2020