1. 3D full wave fast wave modeling with realistic HHFW antenna geometry and SOL plasma in NSTX-U Author(s): Bertelli, Nicola; Shiraiwa, Syun'ichi; Ono, Masayuki Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2022
2. A novel scheme for error field correction in permanent magnet stellarators Author(s): Rutkowski, Adam; Hammond, Kenneth; Zhu, Caoxiang; Gates, David; Chambliss, Amelia Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2022
3. Calcium responses to acoustic stimuli in Drosophila melanogaster Author(s): McKellar, Claire; Pang, Rich; Nern, Aljoscha; Dorkenwald, Sven; Pacheco, Diego A.; Eckstein, Nils; Funke, Jan; Dickson, Barry J.; Murthy, Mala; Baker, Christa Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2022
4. Correlation between the relative blob fraction and plasma parameters in NSTX Author(s): Zweben, S. J.; Banerjee, S.; Bisai, N.; Diallo, A.; Lampert, M.; LeBlanc, B.; Myra, J. R.; Russell, D. A. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2022
5. Data and code for “Structured foraging of soil predators unveils functional responses to bacterial defenses” Author(s): Vercelli, Gabriel; Tarnita, Corina; Gregor, Thomas; Rossine, Fernando Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2022
6. Data for "Spatial heterogeneity of ammonia fluxes in a deciduous forest and adjacent grassland" Author(s): Guo, Xuehui; Pan, Da; Daly, Ryan; Chen, Xi; Walker, John; Tao, Lei; McSpiritt, James; Zondio, Mark Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2022
7. Data for "The value of fusion energy to a decarbonized United States electric grid" Author(s): Schwartz, Jacob A.; Ricks, Wilson; Kolemen, Egemen; Jenkins, Jesse D. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2022
8. Data for Coarse-grained Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Author(s): Webb, Michael; Patel, Roshan; Borca, Carlos Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2022
9. Data for “Global adjoint tomography—model GLAD-M25” Author(s): Ruan, Youyi; Bozdag, Ebru; Peter, Daniel; Lefebvre, Matthieu; Komatitsch, Dimitri; Tromp, Jeroen; Hill, Judith; Podhorszki, Norbert; Pugmire, David; Lei, Wenjie Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2022
10. Data for: "Structure and Density of Silicon Carbide to 1.5 TPa and Implications for Extrasolar Planets" Author(s): Kim, Donghoon; Duffy, Thomas S.; Smith, Raymond F.; Ocampo, Ian K.; Coppari, Federica; Marshall, Michelle C.; Ginnane, Mary Kate; Wicks, June; Tracy, Sally J.; Millot, Marius; Lazicki, Amy; Rygg, Jame R.; Eggert, Jon H. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2022