341. Compact steady-state tokamak performance dependence on magnet and core physics limits Author(s): Menard, J. E. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2018
342. Competitive learning modulates memory consolidation during sleep Author(s): Antony, James W.; Cheng, Larry Y.; Brooks, Paula P.; Paller, Ken A.; Norman, Kenneth A. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2018
343. Demonstrating electromagnetic control of free-surface, liquid-metal flows relevant to fusion reactors Author(s): Hvasta, M. G.; Kolemen, E.; Fisher, A. E.; Ji, H. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2018
344. Design and measurement methods for a lithium vapor box similarity experiment Author(s): Schwartz, J. A.; Emdee, E. D.; Jaworski, M. A.; Goldston, R. J. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2018
345. Detection of an electron beam in a high density plasma via an electrostatic probe Author(s): Majeski, Stephen; Yoo, Jongsoo; Zweben, Stewart; Yamada, Masaaki Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2018
346. ELM frequency enhancement and discharge modification through lithium granule injection into EAST H-modes Author(s): Lunsford, R.; Hsu, J. S.; Sun, Z.; Maingi, R.; Mansfield, D. K.; Xu, W.; Zuo, G. Z.; Huang, M.; Diallo, A.; Osborne, T.; Tritz, K.; Canik, J.; Meng, X. C.; Gong, X. Z.; Wan, B. N.; Li, J. G. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2018
347. Effects of Axial Boundary Conductivity on a Free Stewartson-Shercliff Layer Author(s): Caspary, Kyle J.; Choi, Dahan; Ebrahimi, Fatima; Gilson, Erik P.; Goodman, Jeremy; Ji, Hantao Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2018
348. Electromagnetic Particle Injector for Fast Time Response Disruption Mitigation in Tokamaks Author(s): Raman, R.; Lay, W.-S.; Jarboe, T. R.; Menard, J. E.; Ono, M. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2018
349. Electron-density-sensitive Line Ratios of Fe XIII--XVI from Laboratory Sources Compared to CHIANTI Author(s): Weller, M. E.; Beiersdorfer, P.; Soukhanovskii, V. A.; Scotti, F.; LeBlanc, B. P. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2018
350. Elemental and topographical imaging of microscopic variations in deposition on NSTX-U and DIII-D samples Author(s): Skinner, C. H.; Chrobak, C. P.; Jaworski, M. A.; Kaita, R.; Koel, B. E. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2018
351. Experimental demonstration of hydraulic jump control in liquid metal channel flow using Lorentz force Author(s): Fisher, Adam; Kolemen, Egemen; Hvasta, Mike Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2018
352. Fast animal pose estimation using deep neural networks Author(s): Pereira, Talmo D.; Aldarondo, Diego E.; Willmore, Lindsay; Kislin, Mikhail; Wang, Samuel S.-H.; Murthy, Mala; Shaevitz, Joshua Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2018
353. Marcellus Shale Unconventional Natural Gas Well Pad Emissions Author(s): Caulton, Dana; Zondlo, Mark Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2018
354. Modeling of a Laser-Induced Rydberg Spectroscopy diagnostic for Direct Measurement of the Local Electric Field in the Edge Region of NSTX/NSTX-U Author(s): Reymond, L.; Diallo, A.; Vekselman, V. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2018
355. On the scattering correction of fast-ion D-alpha signal on NSTX-U Author(s): Hao, G. Z.; Heidbrink, W. W.; Liu, D.; Stagner, L.; Podesta, M.; Bortolon, A. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2018
356. Plasma boundary shape control and real-time equilibrium reconstruction on NSTX-U Author(s): Boyer, M.; Battaglia, D.; Mueller, D.; Eidietis, N.; Erickson, K.; Ferron, J.; Gates, D.; Gerhardt, S.; Johnson, R.; Kolemen, E.; Menard, J.; Myers, C.; Sabbagh, S.; Scotti, F.; Vail, P. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2018
357. Quantitative imaging of carbon dimer precursor for nanomaterial synthesis in the carbon arc Author(s): Vekselman, V.; Khrabry, A.; Kaganovich, I.; Stratton, B.; Selinsky, R. S.; Raitses, Y. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2018
358. Reductions in Retrieval Competition Predict the Benefit of Repeated Testing Author(s): Rafidi, Nicole S; Hulbert, Justin C; Brooks, Paula P; Norman, Kenneth A Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2018
359. Regarding the optimization of O1-mode ECRH and the feasibility of EBW startup on NSTX-U Author(s): Lopez, N.; Poli, F. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2018
360. Regional hydroclimatic variability due to contemporary deforestation in southern Amazonia and associated boundary layer characteristics Author(s): Khanna, Jaya; Medvigy, David; Fisch, Gilberto; Neves, Theomar Trindade de Araújo Tiburtino Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2018