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The Volumetric Camera Calibration Dataset is used for a camera calibration system. Intersecting laser beams are traversed over a volume in the test domain. At each location, the intersecting beams are imaged by camera1 and camera2. A test object is imaged for evaluation.
This dataset is created for the paper titled 'Co-benefits of Transport Demand Reductions from Compact Urban Development in Chinese Cities' and published on Nature Sustainability. We construct 6 scenarios of compact urban development, alternative energy vehicle deployment, and power decarbonization to explore the co-benefits of transport demand reductions via compact urban development for carbon emissions, energy use, air quality, and human health in China in 2050. This dataset provides the following gridded information for the scenarios: (1) monthly mean surface PM2.5 concentrations from the WRF-Chem model; (2) annual PM2.5-related premature deaths calculated by the GEMM model; (3) 2015 population in China; (4) mask for provinces in China; (5) longitude and latitude of each grid center.
O'Neill, Eric; Lark, Tyler; Xie, Yanhua; Basso, Bruno
Collection of the underlying spatially explicit data for Available Land for Cellulosic Biofuel Production: A Supply Chain Centered Comparison. Includes raw biomass yield data and soil carbon sequestration potential data for three types of marginal land for the USA midwest at the field level including field areas. Collection also includes raw land rasters for the three types of marginal land, model parameters for the MILP model used in the study, and results used to generate the figures in the paper.
Chronic hepatitis B (CHB), caused by hepatitis B virus (HBV), remains a major medical problem. HBV has a high propensity for progressing to chronicity and can result in severe liver disease, including fibrosis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. CHB patients frequently present with viral coinfection, including HIV and hepatitis delta virus. About 10% of chronic HIV carriers are also persistently infected with HBV which can result in more exacerbated liver disease. Mechanistic studies of HBV-induced immune responses and pathogenesis, which could be significantly influenced by HIV infection, have been hampered by the scarcity of immunocompetent animal models. Here, we demonstrate that humanized mice dually engrafted with components of a human immune system and a human liver supported HBV infection, which was partially controlled by human immune cells, as evidenced by lower levels of serum viremia and HBV replication intermediates in the liver. HBV infection resulted in priming and expansion of human HLA-restricted CD8+ T cells, which acquired an activated phenotype. Notably, our dually humanized mice support persistent coinfections with HBV and HIV which opens opportunities for analyzing immune dysregulation during HBV and HIV coinfection and preclinical testing of novel immunotherapeutics.
Physical and biogeochemical variables from the NOAA-GFDL Earth System Model 2M experiments, and previously published observation-based datasets, used for the study 'Hydrological cycle amplification reshapes warming-driven oxygen loss in Atlantic Ocean'.
Physical and biogeochemical variables from the NOAA-GFDL Earth System Model 2M experiments (pre-processed), previously published observation-based datasets, and code to reproduce figures from these datasets, used for the study 'Hydrological cycle amplification reshapes warming-driven oxygen loss in Atlantic Ocean'.
Griffies, Stephen M; Beadling, Rebecca L; Krasting, John P; Hurlin, William J
This output was produced in coordination with the Southern Ocean Freshwater release model experiments Initiative (SOFIA) and is the Tier 1 experiment where freshwater is delivered in a spatially and temporally uniform pattern at the surface of the ocean at sea surface temperature in a 1-degree latitude band extending from Antarctica’s coastline. The total additional freshwater flux imposed as a monthly freshwater flux entering the ocean is 0.1 Sv. Users are referred to the methods section of Beadling et al. (2022) for additional details on the meltwater implementation in CM4 and ESM4. The datasets in this collection contain model output from the coupled global climate model, CM4, and Earth System Model, ESM4, both developed at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The ocean_monthly_z and ocean_annual_z output are provided as z depth levels in meters as opposed to the models native hybrid vertical ocean coordinate which consists of z* (quasi-geopotential) coordinates in the upper ocean through the mixed layer, transitioning to isopycnal (referenced to 2000 dbar) in the ocean interior. Please see README for further details.