1. 2-km resolution oversampled NH3 data Author(s): Wang, Rui; Guo, Xuehui; Pan, Da; Kelly, James; Bash, Jesse; Sun, Kang; Paulot, Fabien; Clarisse, Lieven; Van Damme, Martin; Whiteburn, Simon; Coheur, Pierre-François; Cierbaux, Cathy; Zondio, Mark Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2020
2. A dual-mechanism antibiotic kills Gram-negative bacteria and avoids drug resistance Author(s): Martin, James K; Sheehan, Joseph P; Bratton, Benjamin P; Moore, Gabriel M; Mateus, André; Li, Sophia Hsin-Jung; Kim, Hahn; Rabinowitz, Joshua D; Typas, Athanasios; Savitski, Mikhail M; Wilson, Maxwell Z; Gitai, Zemer Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2020
3. Analytic stability boundaries for compressional and global Alfven eigenmodes driven by fast ions. II. Interaction via Landau resonance. Author(s): Lestz, J. B.; Gorelenkov, N. N.; Belova, E. V.; Tang, S. X.; Crocker, N. A. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2020
4. Attention and awareness in the dorsal attention network Author(s): Wilterson, Andrew; Nastase, Samuel; Bio, Branden; Guterstam, Arvid; Graziano, Michael Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2020
5. Chinese overseas development financing of electric power generation: A comparative analysis Author(s): Chen, Xu; Gallagher, Kevin P.; Mauzerall, Denise L. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2020
6. Data for food consumption strategies in China Author(s): Guo, Yixin; Mauzerall, Denise; He, Pan Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2020
7. Data from "Manifestations of metastable criticality in glassy water-like models detected by large-scale structural properties" Author(s): Gartner III, Thomas E.; Torquato, Salvatore; Car, Roberto; Debenedetti, Pablo G. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2020
8. Data from "Signatures of a liquid-liquid transition in an ab initio deep neural network model for water" Author(s): Gartner, Thomas III; Zhang, Linfeng; Piaggi, Pablo; Car, Roberto; Panagiotopoulos, Athanassios; Debenedetti, Pablo Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2020
9. Data from a flume experiment of passive scalar diffusion within vegetation canopies using laser-induced fluorescence Author(s): Ghannam, Khaled; Poggi, Davide; Katul, Gabriel; Bou-Zeid, Elie Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2020
10. Dataset for 'Auditory Activity is Diverse and Widespread Throughout the Central Brain of Drosophila' Author(s): Pacheco, Diego A; Thiberge, Stephen; Pnevmatikakis, Eftychios; Murthy, Mala Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2020