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Kiefer, Janik; Brunner, Claudia E.; Hansen, Martin O. L.; Hultmark, Marcus
This data set contains data of a NACA 0021 airfoil as it undergoes upward ramp-type pitching motions at high Reynolds numbers and low Mach numbers. The parametric study covers a wide range of chord Reynolds numbers, reduced frequencies and pitching geometries characterized by varying mean angle and angle amplitude. The data were acquired in the High Reynolds number Test Facility at Princeton University, which is a closed-loop wind tunnel that can be pressurized up to 23 MPa and allowed for variation of the chord Reynolds number over a range of 5.0 × 10^5 ≤ Re_c ≤ 5.5 × 10^6. Data were acquired using 32 pressure taps along the surface of the airfoil. The data are the phase-averaged results of 150 individual half-cycles for any given test case.
A code to identify the laser transition for a quantum cascade laser design based on the figure of merit. Variables such as the number of layers, and layer thicknesses, as well the applied electric field, materials composition, number of period repetitions, and layer tolerance ranges to generate random designs are specified. A folder containing a .csv file with all electronic state-pair transitions collected, a .png file of the bandstructure and the laser transition chosen (in red), for all electric field iterations, and a summary .csv file of all these laser transitions for a structure at each electric field is generated by the code. To use, first install ErwinJr2 on your computer. Then locate the "ErwinJr2" folder and copy these 6 files into that directory, overwriting the previous five files (Material.py, QCLayers.py, QCPlotter.py, QuantumTab.py, rFittings.py). Lastly, run the "acej-qcl-layer_10-lwrandom-v23.py" script using Python.
The "summary-fomstar-3lu-eVmiddle-19.csv" file is generated after running the laser transition code, with all of the data collected for one structure at many electric fields. Running the script various times will generate random structures with the same electric field range. Joining these "summary" .csv files makes a QCL dataset.