71. Methane emissions from oil and gas platforms in the North Sea. Author(s): Riddick, Stuart; Mauzerall, Denise Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2019
72. A reduced-turbulence regime in the Large Helical Device upon injection of low-Z materials powders Author(s): Nespoli, Federico; Tanaka, Kenji; Masuzaki, Suguru; Ashikawa, Naoko; Shoji, Mamoru; Gilson, Erik; Lunsford, Robert; Oishi, Tetsutarou; Ida, Katsumi; Yoshinuma, Mikirou; Takemura, Yuki; Kinoshita, Toshiki; Motojima, Gen; Osakabe, Masaki; Kenmochi, Naoki; Kawamura, Gakushi; Suzuki, Chihiro; Nagy, Alex; Bortolon, Alessandro; Pablant, Novimir; Mollén, Albert; Tamura, Naoki; Gates, David; Morisaki, Tomohiro Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2023
73. Absolute electron density fluctuation reconstruction for two-dimensional Hydrogen beam emission spectroscopy Author(s): Lampert, Mate Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2023
74. Achromonodin-1 NMR spectra Author(s): Link, A. James; Carson, Drew V.; So, Larry; Cheung-Lee, Wai Ling Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2023
75. Alfvén waves at the interface of solar wind and magnetosphere Author(s): Kim, Eun-Hwa; Johnson, Jay R.; Damiano, Peter A. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2023
76. CLEVR-Matrices Author(s): Mondal, Shanka Subhra; Webb, Taylor; Cohen, Johnathan Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2023
77. Chatbots as social companions: Perceiving consciousness, human likeness, and social health benefits in machines Author(s): Guingrich, Rose; Graziano, Michael Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2023
78. Climatological Data from "A sea state dependent gas transfer velocity for CO2 unifying theory, model and field data" Author(s): Zhou, Xiaohui; Reichl, Brandon; Romero, Leonel; Deike, Luc Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2023
79. Data Files for "Declining Chinese Attitudes toward the United States amid COVID-19" Author(s): Xie, Yu; Huang, Junming; He, Yuchen; Yang, Feng; Zhou, Yi; Qian, Yue; Cai, Weicheng; Zhou, Jie Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2023
80. Data and code for 'Hydrological cycle amplification reshapes warming-driven oxygen loss in Atlantic Ocean' Author(s): Resplandy, Laure; Hogikyan, Allison Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2023