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Petsev, Nikolai D.; Nikoubashman, Arash; Latinwo, Folarin
Source code for our genetic algorithm optimization investigation of conglomerate and racemic chiral crystals. In this work, we address challenges in determining the stable structures formed by chiral molecules by applying the framework of genetic algorithms to predict the ground state crystal lattices formed by a chiral tetramer model. Using this code, we explore the relative stability and structures of the model’s conglomerate and racemic crystals, and extract a structural phase diagram for the stable Bravais crystal types in the zero-temperature limit.
Sharma, A. Y.; Cole, M. D. J.; Görler, T.; Chen, Y.; Hatch, D. R.; Guttenfelder, W.; Hager, R.; Sturdevant, B. J.; Ku, S.; Mishchenko, A.; Chang, C. S.
The materials include codes and example input / output files for Monte Carlo simulations of lattice chains in the grand canonical ensemble, for determining phase behavior, critical points, and formation of aggregates.