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The bitKlavier Grand consists of sample collections of a new Steinway D grand piano from nine different stereo mic images, with: 16 velocity layers, at every minor 3rd (starting at A0); Hammer release samples; Release resonance samples; Pedal samples.
Release packages at 96k/24bit, 88.2k/24bit, 48k/24bit, 44.1k/16bit are available for various applications.
The bitKlavier Grand consists of sample collections of a new Steinway D grand piano from nine different stereo mic images, with: 16 velocity layers, at every minor 3rd (starting at A0); Hammer release samples; Release resonance samples; Pedal samples. Release packages at 96k/24bit, 88.2k/24bit, 48k/24bit, 44.1k/16bit are available for various applications.
The bitKlavier Grand consists of sample collections of a new Steinway D grand piano from nine different stereo mic images, with: 16 velocity layers, at every minor 3rd (starting at A0); Hammer release samples; Release resonance samples; Pedal samples. Release packages at 96k/24bit, 88.2k/24bit, 48k/24bit, 44.1k/16bit are available for various applications.
The bitKlavier Grand consists of sample collections of a new Steinway D grand piano from nine different stereo mic images, with: 16 velocity layers, at every minor 3rd (starting at A0); Hammer release samples; Release resonance samples; Pedal samples. Release packages at 96k/24bit, 88.2k/24bit, 48k/24bit, 44.1k/16bit are available for various applications.
The bitKlavier Grand consists of sample collections of a new Steinway D grand piano from nine different stereo mic images, with: 16 velocity layers, at every minor 3rd (starting at A0); Hammer release samples; Release resonance samples; Pedal samples. Release packages at 96k/24bit, 88.2k/24bit, 48k/24bit, 44.1k/16bit are available for various applications.
The bitKlavier Grand consists of sample collections of a new Steinway D grand piano from nine different stereo mic images, with: 16 velocity layers, at every minor 3rd (starting at A0); Hammer release samples; Release resonance samples; Pedal samples. Release packages at 96k/24bit, 88.2k/24bit, 48k/24bit, 44.1k/16bit are available for various applications.
These GROMACS trajectories show the existence of a critical point in deeply supercooled WAIL water. Also included is the code necessary to reproduce the figures in the corresponding paper from these trajectories. From this data the critical temperature, pressure, and density of the model can be found, and critical fluctuations in the deeply supercooled liquid can be directly observed (in a computer-simulation sense).
Data set corresponding to "NAPS: Integrating pose estimation and tag-based tracking." This dataset contains the corresponding videos, tracking scripts, and SLEAP models along with SLEAP, NAPS, and ArUco tracking results.
This dataset comprises of data associated with the publication "Transferability of data-driven, many-body models for CO2 simulations in the vapor and liquid phases", which can be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0080061. The data includes calculations for a Many-Body decomposition, virial coefficient calculations, orientational molecular scan energies, potential energy fields, correlation plots of training and testing data, vapor-liquid equilibrium simulations, liquid density simulations, and solid cell simulations.