201. Data set for "Statistics of jet drop production" Author(s): Deike, Luc Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
202. Deep Behavioral Phenotyping Of Mouse Autism Models using Open-Field Behavior Author(s): Klibaite, Ugne; Kislin, Mikhail; Verpeut, Jessica L.; Sun, Xiaoting; Shaevitz, Joshua W.; Wang, Samuel S.-H. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
203. Delivery Gig Worker Interviews on Automation at Work Author(s): Enriquez, Diana Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
204. Derrida's Margins datasets Author(s): Chenoweth, Katie; Koeser, Rebecca Sutton; Altergott, Renée; Baron-Raiffe, Alexander; Bauer, Jean; Budak, Nick; Córdova, Chad; Hancock, Austin; Hicks, Benjamin; McElwee, Kevin; Vettier, Chloé Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
205. Derrida's Margins datasets Author(s): Altergott, Renée; Bauer, Jean; Budak, Nick; Córdova, Chad; Hancock, Austin; Hicks, Benjamin; McElwee, Kevin; Vettier, Chloé; Chenoweth, Katie; Baron-Raiffe, Alexander; Sutton Koeser, Rebecca Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
206. Development of a reduced model for energetic particle transport by sawteeth in tokamaks Author(s): Podesta, Mario Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
207. Developments on two lithium vapor-box linear test-stand experiments Author(s): Schwartz, Jacob A.; Goldston, Robert J. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
208. Dynamics of filaments during the edge-localized mode crash on NSTX Author(s): Lampert, Mate; Diallo, Ahmed; Myra, James R.; Zweben, Stewart J. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
209. Effects of Coulomb collisions on lower hybrid drift waves inside a laboratory reconnection current sheet Author(s): Yoo, Jongsoo; Hu, Yi-Bo; Ji, Jeong-Young; Ji, Hantao; Yamada, Masaaki; Goodman, Aaron; Bergstedt, Kendra; Fox, William; Alt, Andrew Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
210. Enhancement of edge turbulence concomitant with ELM suppression during boron powder injection in EAST Author(s): Sun, Zhen; Maingi, Rajesh; Diallo, Ahmed; Xu, Wei; Qian, Yuzhong; Tritz, Kevin; Ye, Yang; Li, Chenglong; Xu, Zong; Wang, Yifeng; Ye, Kaixuan; Bortolon, A.; Nagy, Alex; Zhang, Ling; Duan, Yanmin; Lu, Zhiyuan; Wang, Huiqian; Shi, Tonghui; Zhao, Hailin; Wei, Gao; Xu, Jichan; Chen, Ran; Huang, Ming; Zuo, Guizhong; Xu, Guosheng; Gong, Xianzu; Hu, Jiansheng Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
211. Estimated The New York Times paragraph- and article-level sentiment on China topics, and aggregated survey attitude toward China Author(s): Huang, Junming; Cook, Gavin; Xie, Yu Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
212. Experimental data for paper "hydraulic transmissivity inferred from ice-sheet relaxation following Greenland supraglacial lake drainages" Author(s): Lai, Ching-Yao Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
213. Hybrid simulations of sub-cyclotron compressional and global Alfven Eigenmode stability in spherical tokamaks Author(s): Lestz, J. B.; Belova, E. V.; Gorelenkov, N. N. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
214. Hyperdiffusion of dust particles in a turbulent tokamak plasma Author(s): Nespoli, Federico; Kaganovich, Igor; Autricque, Adrien; Marandet, Yannick; Tamain, Patrick Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
215. Impact of edge harmonic oscillations on the divertor heat flux in NSTX Author(s): Gan, Kaifu; Gray, Travis; Zweben, Stewart; Fredrickson, Eric; Maingi, Rajesh; Battaglia, Devon; McLean, Adam; Wirth, Brian Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
216. Implementation of higher-order velocity mapping between marker particles and grid in the particle-in-cell code XGC Author(s): Mollén, Albert; Adams, Mark F.; Knepley, Matthew G.; Hager, Robert; Chang, C. S. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
217. Initial operation and data processing on a system for real-time evaluation of Thomson scattering signals on the Large Helical Device Author(s): Hammond, K.C.; Laggner, F.M.; Diallo, A.; Doskoczynski, S.; Freeman, C.; Funaba, H.; Gates, D.A.; Rozenblat, Roman; Tchilinguirian, G.; Xing, Zichuan; Yamada, Ichihiro; Yasuhara, Ryo; Zimmer, G; Kolemen, E. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
218. Integrative Mechanisms of Social Attention Author(s): Bio, Branden; Graziano, Michael Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
219. Inversion technique to obtain local ion temperature profiles for an axisymmetric plasma with toroidal and radial velocities Author(s): Bell, Ronald E. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
220. Microtearing Instabilities and Electron Thermal Transport in Low and High Collisionality NSTX Discharges Author(s): Rafiq, T.; Kaye, S.; Guttenfelder, W.; Weiland, J.; Schuster, E.; Anderson, J.; Luo, L. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021