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22. Data for Nature Climate Change article 'Regional dry-season climate changes due to three decades of Amazonian deforestation'
23. Energetic-particle-modified global Alfven eigenmodes
24. Injected mass deposition thresholds for lithium granule instigated triggering of edge localized modes on EAST
25. Multi-species impurity granule injection and mass deposition projections in NSTX-U discharges
26. ELM elimination with Li powder injection in EAST discharges using the tungsten upper divertor
27. Overview of NSTX Upgrade Initial Results and Modelling Highlights
28. A multi-machine scaling of halo current rotation
29. Subject Liaisons in Academic Libraries: An Open Access Data Set from 2015
30. Sensitivity of WallDYN material migration modeling to uncertainties in mixed-material surface binding energies
31. The Role of Recti ed Currents in Far-Field RF Sheaths and in SOL Losses of HHFW Power on NSTX
32. Fracture aperture maps used to study reactive transport, channelization, and permeability evolution in carbonate rocks.
33. Computation of Alfvèn eigenmode stability and saturation through a reduced fast ion transport model in the TRANSP tokamak transport code
34. Advances in boronization on NSTX-Upgrade
35. Kinetic neoclassical calculations of impurity radiation profiles
36. Neutral recycling effects on ITG turbulence
37. Design of Faraday cup ion detectors built by thin film deposition
38. Nonlinear fishbone dynamics in spherical tokamaks
39. Drift kinetic effects on the plasma response in high beta spherical tokamak experiments
40. Amplification of local changes along the timescale processing hierarchy
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