Search Results
52. Blob-hole correlation model for edge turbulence and comparisons with NSTX GPI data
53. Compact steady-state tokamak performance dependence on magnet and core physics limits
54. ELM frequency enhancement and discharge modification through lithium granule injection into EAST H-modes
55. Electromagnetic Particle Injector for Fast Time Response Disruption Mitigation in Tokamaks
56. Electron-density-sensitive Line Ratios of Fe XIII--XVI from Laboratory Sources Compared to CHIANTI
57. Elemental and topographical imaging of microscopic variations in deposition on NSTX-U and DIII-D samples
58. Modeling of a Laser-Induced Rydberg Spectroscopy diagnostic for Direct Measurement of the Local Electric Field in the Edge Region of NSTX/NSTX-U
59. On the scattering correction of fast-ion D-alpha signal on NSTX-U
60. Plasma boundary shape control and real-time equilibrium reconstruction on NSTX-U
61. Regarding the optimization of O1-mode ECRH and the feasibility of EBW startup on NSTX-U
62. Scenario Development During Commissioning Operations on the National Spherical Torus Experiment Upgrade
63. Two-dimensional full-wave simulations of waves in space and tokamak plasmas
64. A Reduced Resistive Wall Mode Kinetic Stability Model for Disruption Forecasting
65. A multi-machine scaling of halo current rotation
66. Advances in boronization on NSTX-Upgrade
67. Application of Benchmarked Kinetic Resistive Wall Mode Stability Codes to ITER, Including Additional Physics
68. Application of Townsend avalanche theory to tokamak startup by coaxial helicity injection
69. Computation of Alfvèn eigenmode stability and saturation through a reduced fast ion transport model in the TRANSP tokamak transport code
70. Density perturbation mode structure of high frequency compressional and global Alfvén eigenmodes in the National Spherical Torus Experiment using a novel reflectometer analysis technique
71. Design of Faraday cup ion detectors built by thin film deposition
72. Drift kinetic effects on the plasma response in high beta spherical tokamak experiments
73. ELM elimination with Li powder injection in EAST discharges using the tungsten upper divertor
74. ELM-free and inter-ELM divertor heat flux broadening induced by Edge Harmonics Oscillation in NSTX
75. Energetic-particle-modified global Alfven eigenmodes
76. Energy Exchange Dynamics across L-H Transitions in NSTX
77. Feedback control design for non-inductively sustained scenarios in NSTX-U using TRANSP
78. Full-wave simulations of ICRF heating regimes in toroidal plasmas with non-Maxwellian distribution functions
79. Gas Puff Imaging Diagnostics of Edge Plasma Turbulence in Magnetic Fusion Devices
80. Injected mass deposition thresholds for lithium granule instigated triggering of edge localized modes on EAST
81. Kinetic neoclassical calculations of impurity radiation profiles
82. M3D-C1 simulations of the plasma response to RMPs in NSTX-U single-null and snowflake divertor configurations
83. Modeling of Lithium Granule Injection in NSTX with M3D-C1
84. Multi-species impurity granule injection and mass deposition projections in NSTX-U discharges
85. Neutral recycling effects on ITG turbulence
86. Nonlinear fishbone dynamics in spherical tokamaks
87. Nonlinear simulations of beam-driven Compressional Alfvén Eigenmodes in NSTX
88. Optimization of the angular orientation for a fast ion loss detector in a tokamak
89. Overview of NSTX Upgrade Initial Results and Modelling Highlights
90. Plasma measurements of the Fe XVII L-shell emission and blending with F VIII and F IX
91. Sensitivity of WallDYN material migration modeling to uncertainties in mixed-material surface binding energies
92. Stabilizing effect of resistivity towards ELM-free H-mode discharge in lithium-conditioned NSTX
93. Suppression of Alfvén modes on NSTX-U with outboard beam injection
94. The Role of Recti ed Currents in Far-Field RF Sheaths and in SOL Losses of HHFW Power on NSTX
95. Two-dimensional turbulence cross-correlation functions in the edge of NSTX
96. Blob Structure and Motion in the Edge and SOL of NSTX
97. Collisional dependence of Alfven mode saturation in tokamaks
98. Compact and multi-view solid state neutral particle analyzer arrays on National Spherical Torus Experiment-Upgrade
99. Development of miniaturized, spectroscopically assisted Penning gauges for fractional helium and hydrogen neutral pressure measurements
100. Diagnostics for molybdenum and tungsten erosion and transport in NSTX-U
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