1. Neoclassical transport in strong gradient regions of large aspect ratio tokamaks Author(s): Trinczek, Silvia; Parra, Felix I.; Catto, Peter J.; Calvo, Iván; Landreman, Matt Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2023
2. Deep convolutional neural networks for multi-scale time-series classification and application to disruption prediction in fusion devices Author(s): Churchill, R. M.; Tobias, B.; Zhu, Y. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2019
3. Machine Learning Characterization of Alfvénic and Sub-Alfvénic Chirping and Correlation With Fast-Ion Loss at NSTX Author(s): Woods, B. J. Q.; Duarte, V. N.; Fredrickson, E. D.; Gorelenkov, N. N.; Podestà, M.; Vann, R. G. L. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2019
4. Machine Learning Characterization of Alfvénic and Sub-Alfvénic Chirping and Correlation With Fast-Ion Loss at NSTX Author(s): Woods, B. J. Q.; Duarte, V. N.; Fredrickson, E. D.; Gorelenkov, N. N.; Podesta, M.; Vann, R. G. L. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2019