121. Data for paper: DECAF Cross-device characterization of tokamak disruptions indicated by abnormalities in plasma vertical position and current Author(s): Zamkovska, Veronika; Sabbagh, S.A.; Tobin, M.; Berkery, J.W.; Riquezes, J.D.; Park, Y.S.; Erickson, K.; Butt, J.; Kim, J.; Lee, K.D.; Ko, J.; Yoon, S.W.; Ham, C.J.; Kogan, L. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2024
122. Data for “Global adjoint tomography—model GLAD-M25” Author(s): Ruan, Youyi; Bozdag, Ebru; Peter, Daniel; Lefebvre, Matthieu; Komatitsch, Dimitri; Tromp, Jeroen; Hill, Judith; Podhorszki, Norbert; Pugmire, David; Lei, Wenjie Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2022
123. Data for: "Financing Carbon Lock-in in Developing Countries: Bilateral Financing for Power Generation Technologies from China, Japan, and the United States" Author(s): Chen, Xu; Li, Zhongshu; Gallagher, Kevin P.; Mauzerall, Denise L. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
124. Data for: "Structure and Density of Silicon Carbide to 1.5 TPa and Implications for Extrasolar Planets" Author(s): Kim, Donghoon; Duffy, Thomas S.; Smith, Raymond F.; Ocampo, Ian K.; Coppari, Federica; Marshall, Michelle C.; Ginnane, Mary Kate; Wicks, June; Tracy, Sally J.; Millot, Marius; Lazicki, Amy; Rygg, Jame R.; Eggert, Jon H. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2022
125. Data for: "The origin of non-skeletal carbonate mud and implications for global climate" Author(s): Geyman, Emily C.; Wu, Ziman; Nadeau, Matthew D.; Edmonsond, Stacey; Turner, Andrew; Purkis, Sam J.; Howes, Bolton; Dyer, Blake; Ahm, Anne-Sofie C.; Yao, Nan; Deutsch, Curtis A.; Higgins, John A.; Stolper, Daniel A.; Maloof, Adam Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2022
126. Data for: 'Facies control on carbonate δ13C on the Great Bahama Bank' Author(s): Geyman, Emily C.; Maloof, Adam C. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
127. Data for: 'How is sea level change encoded in carbonate stratigraphy?' Author(s): Geyman, Emily C.; Maloof, Adam C.; Dyer, Blake Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
128. Data for: Persistent hepatitis B virus and HIV coinfections in dually humanized mice engrafted with human liver and immune system Author(s): Ploss, Alexander; Hogan, Glenn; Winer, Benjamin; Ahodantin, James; Sellau, Julie; Huang, Tiffany; Douam, Florian; Funaki, Masaya; Chiriboga, Luis; Su, Lishan Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2023
129. Data for: Three-Dimensional Morphometry of Ooids in Oolites: a new tool for more accurate and precise paleoenvironmental interpretation Author(s): Howes, Bolton; Mehra, Akshay; Maloof, Adam Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
130. Data from "A Neural Network Water Model Based on the MB-pol Many-Body Potential" Author(s): Muniz, Maria Carolina; Car, Roberto; Panagiotopoulos, Athanassios Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2023