Search Results
2. Code and data from "Comparative genomic analysis reveals varying levels of mammalian adaptation to coronavirus infections"
3. Alternative energy vehicle deployment coupled with decarbonizing electricity generation amplifies climate, air quality and health co-benefits in China
4. A software package for plasma facing component analysis and design: the Heat flux Engineering Analysis Toolkit (HEAT)
5. A thermodynamic phase transition in magnetic reconnection
6. CMT3D - Catalog
7. CMT3D - Software
8. CPCB continuous monitoring air quality data for India, from 2015-2019
9. Chiral Tetramer Molecular Model
10. Coupling between Alfven wave and Kelvin-Helmholtz waves in the low latitude boundary layer
11. CrvA and CrvB form a curvature-inducing module sufficient to induce cell shape complexity in Gram-negative bacteria
12. Data corresponding to our paper on "Chemotactic smoothing of collective migration"
13. Data for "A New Open-path Eddy Covariance Method for N2O and Other Trace Gases that Minimizes Temperature Corrections"
14. Data for "Ammonia Dry Deposition in an Alpine Ecosystem Traced to Agricultural Emission Hotpots"
15. Data for "Cerebellar contributions to a brainwide network for flexible behavior"
16. Data for 'Environmental Benefits and Household Costs of Clean Heating Options in Northern China'
17. Data for: "Financing Carbon Lock-in in Developing Countries: Bilateral Financing for Power Generation Technologies from China, Japan, and the United States"
18. Data for: 'Facies control on carbonate δ13C on the Great Bahama Bank'
19. Data for: 'How is sea level change encoded in carbonate stratigraphy?'
20. Data for: Three-Dimensional Morphometry of Ooids in Oolites: a new tool for more accurate and precise paleoenvironmental interpretation
21. Data from "Vapor-liquid equilibrium of water with the MB-pol many-body potential"
22. Data set for "Role of contamination in optimal droplet production by collective bubble bursting"
23. Data set for "Statistics of jet drop production"
24. Deep Behavioral Phenotyping Of Mouse Autism Models using Open-Field Behavior
25. Delivery Gig Worker Interviews on Automation at Work
26. Derrida's Margins datasets
27. Derrida's Margins datasets
28. Development of a reduced model for energetic particle transport by sawteeth in tokamaks
29. Developments on two lithium vapor-box linear test-stand experiments
30. Dynamics of filaments during the edge-localized mode crash on NSTX
31. Effects of Coulomb collisions on lower hybrid drift waves inside a laboratory reconnection current sheet
32. Enhancement of edge turbulence concomitant with ELM suppression during boron powder injection in EAST
33. Estimated The New York Times paragraph- and article-level sentiment on China topics, and aggregated survey attitude toward China
34. Experimental data for paper "hydraulic transmissivity inferred from ice-sheet relaxation following Greenland supraglacial lake drainages"
35. Hybrid simulations of sub-cyclotron compressional and global Alfven Eigenmode stability in spherical tokamaks
36. Hyperdiffusion of dust particles in a turbulent tokamak plasma
37. Impact of edge harmonic oscillations on the divertor heat flux in NSTX
38. Implementation of higher-order velocity mapping between marker particles and grid in the particle-in-cell code XGC
39. Initial operation and data processing on a system for real-time evaluation of Thomson scattering signals on the Large Helical Device
40. Integrative Mechanisms of Social Attention
41. Inversion technique to obtain local ion temperature profiles for an axisymmetric plasma with toroidal and radial velocities
42. Microtearing Instabilities and Electron Thermal Transport in Low and High Collisionality NSTX Discharges
43. Multi-Fluid and Kinetic Models of Partially Ionized Magnetic Reconnection
44. Nasa Budgetary Data
45. North Atlantic Hurricane and Major Hurricane Frequency Undersampling Estimate for 1851-2019
46. Novel 2D velocity estimation method for large transient events in plasmas
47. Observation of synergy between lower hybrid waves at two frequencies in EAST
48. Plasma Facing Components with Capillary Porous System and Liquid Metal Coolant Flow
49. Predicting Resistive Wall Mode Stability in NSTX through Balanced Random Forests and Counterfactual Explanations
50. Prediction of electron density and pressure profile shapes on NSTX-U using neural networks
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