Data for: Persistent hepatitis B virus and HIV coinfections in dually humanized mice engrafted with human liver and immune system

Ploss, Alexander; Hogan, Glenn; Winer, Benjamin; Ahodantin, James; Sellau, Julie; Huang, Tiffany; Douam, Florian; Funaki, Masaya; Chiriboga, Luis; Su, Lishan
Issue date: 12 June 2023
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Ploss, Alexander, Hogan, Glenn, Winer, Benjamin, Ahodantin, James, Sellau, Julie, Huang, Tiffany, Douam, Florian, Funaki, Masaya, Chiriboga, Luis, & Su, Lishan. (2023). Data for: Persistent hepatitis B virus and HIV coinfections in dually humanized mice engrafted with human liver and immune system [Data set]. Princeton University.
  author      = {Ploss, Alexander and
                Hogan, Glenn and
                Winer, Benjamin and
                Ahodantin, James and
                Sellau, Julie and
                Huang, Tiffany and
                Douam, Florian and
                Funaki, Masaya and
                Chiriboga, Luis and
                Su, Lishan},
  title       = {{Data for: Persistent hepatitis B virus a
                nd HIV coinfections in dually humanized
                mice engrafted with human liver and immu
                ne system}},
  publisher   = {{Princeton University}},
  year        = 2023,
  url         = {}

Chronic hepatitis B (CHB), caused by hepatitis B virus (HBV), remains a major medical problem. HBV has a high propensity for progressing to chronicity and can result in severe liver disease, including fibrosis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. CHB patients frequently present with viral coinfection, including HIV and hepatitis delta virus. About 10% of chronic HIV carriers are also persistently infected with HBV which can result in more exacerbated liver disease. Mechanistic studies of HBV-induced immune responses and pathogenesis, which could be significantly influenced by HIV infection, have been hampered by the scarcity of immunocompetent animal models. Here, we demonstrate that humanized mice dually engrafted with components of a human immune system and a human liver supported HBV infection, which was partially controlled by human immune cells, as evidenced by lower levels of serum viremia and HBV replication intermediates in the liver. HBV infection resulted in priming and expansion of human HLA-restricted CD8+ T cells, which acquired an activated phenotype. Notably, our dually humanized mice support persistent coinfections with HBV and HIV which opens opportunities for analyzing immune dysregulation during HBV and HIV coinfection and preclinical testing of novel immunotherapeutics.

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