Observation of quasi-coherent edge fluctuations in Ohmic plasmas on NSTX

Banerjee, S. ; Diallo, A. ; Zweben, S. J.
Issue date: 2016
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY)
Cite as:
Banerjee, S., Diallo, A., & Zweben, S. J. (2016). Observation of quasi-coherent edge fluctuations in Ohmic plasmas on NSTX [Data set]. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University. https://doi.org/10.11578/1366985
  author      = {Banerjee, S. and
                Diallo, A. and
                Zweben, S. J.},
  title       = {{Observation of quasi-coherent edge fluct
                uations in Ohmic plasmas on NSTX}},
  publisher   = {{Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Pri
                nceton University}},
  year        = 2016,
  url         = {https://doi.org/10.11578/1366985}

A quasi-coherent mode with frequency f = 40 kHz is observed in Ohmic plasmas in NSTX with the gas puff imaging diagnostic (GPI). This mode is located predominantly just inside the separatrix, with a maximum fluctuation amplitude similar to that of the broadband turbulence in the same frequency range. The quasi-coherent mode has a poloidal wavelength 16 cm and a poloidal velocity 49 km/s in the electron diamagnetic direction, which are similar to the characteristics expected from a linear drift-wave like mode in the edge.

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