Two-dimensional full-wave simulations of waves in space and tokamak plasmas

Kim, E. -W. ; Bertelli, N. ; Johnson, J. R.; Valeo, E. ; Hosea, J. ; Perkins, R.
Issue date: 2018
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY)
Cite as:
Kim, E. -W., Bertelli, N., Johnson, J. R., Valeo, E., Hosea, J., & Perkins, R. (2018). Two-dimensional full-wave simulations of waves in space and tokamak plasmas [Data set]. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University.
  author      = {Kim, E. -W. and
                Bertelli, N. and
                Johnson, J. R. and
                Valeo, E. and
                Hosea, J. and
                Perkins, R.},
  title       = {{Two-dimensional full-wave simulations of
                 waves in space and tokamak plasmas}},
  publisher   = {{Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Pri
                nceton University}},
  year        = 2018,
  url         = {}

We illustrate the capabilities of a recently developed two-dimensional full wave code (FW2D) in space and tokamak plasmas by adopting various values of density, magnetic field configuration and strength as well as boundary shape. As example, we first showed fast compressional wave propagation in the inner magnetosphere is dramatically modified by a plasmaspheric plume at Earth's magnetosphere. The results show that wave energy is trapped in the plume showing a leaky eigenmode-like structure with plume, which is similar to the detected magnetosonic waves. We also performed simulations of high harmonic fast waves in the scrape-off layer (SOL) plasmas of the National Spherical Torus eXperiment (NSTX)/NSTX-Upgrade. Comparison the results with previous full-wave simulations show that although the FW2D code uses a cold plasma approximation, the electric field and the fraction of the power losses in the SOL plasmas show excellent consistency and agreement with the previous full wave simulations performed by the AORSA code.

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