The bitKlavier Grand consists of sample collections of a new Steinway D grand piano from nine different stereo mic images, with: 16 velocity layers, at every minor 3rd (starting at A0); Hammer release samples; Release resonance samples; Pedal samples. Release packages at 96k/24bit, 88.2k/24bit, 48k/24bit, 44.1k/16bit are available for various applications. Stage Lid ORTF: Sanken CU41—cardioids This pair is placed centrally (audience perspective) at about six and a half feet high and is aimed parallel to the open lid of the piano. It captures a balanced stereo image of the harp without reflections from the lid. It has a more even frequency response than the cardioids placed at the lip of the piano, as it is 1.5 meters above and away from the strings. This captures the percussive sound of the hammers quite well. File Naming Convention: C4 = middle C . Main note names: [note name][octave]v[velocity].wav -- e.g., “D#5v13.wav” . Release resonance notes: harm[note name][octave]v[velocity].wav -- e.g., “harmC2v2.wav” . Hammer samples: rel[1-88].wav (one per key) -- e.g., “rel23.wav” . Pedal samples: pedal[D/U][velocity].wav -- e.g., “pedalU2.wav” => pedal release (U = up), velocity = 2 (quicker release than velocity = 1) .
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