CMT3D - Catalog

Sawade, Lucas; Beller, Stephen; Lei, Wenjie; Tromp, Jeroen
Issue date: 2021
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY)
Cite as:
Sawade, Lucas, Beller, Stephen, Lei, Wenjie, & Tromp, Jeroen. (2021). CMT3D - Catalog [Data set]. Princeton University.
  author      = {Sawade, Lucas and
                Beller, Stephen and
                Lei, Wenjie and
                Tromp, Jeroen},
  title       = {{CMT3D - Catalog}},
  publisher   = {{Princeton University}},
  year        = 2021,
  url         = {}

Catalog of Global CMTSOLUTIONs inverted using 3D Green functions that were computed with the adjoint tomography model GLAD-M25. The full methodology of the inversion procedure is described in the accompanying journal article of the same name.

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