Data for "Valuing maintenance strategies for fusion plants as part of a future electricity grid"

Schwartz, Jacob ; Ricks, Wilson ; Kolemen, Egemen ; Jenkins, Jesse
Issue date: 2024
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY)
Cite as:
Schwartz, Jacob, Ricks, Wilson, Kolemen, Egemen, & Jenkins, Jesse. (2024). Data for "Valuing maintenance strategies for fusion plants as part of a future electricity grid" [Data set]. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University.
  author      = {Schwartz, Jacob and
                Ricks, Wilson and
                Kolemen, Egemen and
                Jenkins, Jesse},
  title       = {{Data for "Valuing maintenance strategies
                 for fusion plants as part of a future e
                lectricity grid"}},
  publisher   = {{Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Pri
                nceton University}},
  year        = 2024,
  url         = {}

This contains the data and analysis scripts needed to reproduce the figures in the paper "Valuing maintenance strategies for fusion plants as part of a future electricity grid". It also contains extra data corresponding to all the runs performed, not all of which have data points displayed in the plots. These could be used for re-analyses. Data were created using the GenX capacity expansion and optimization code. We used a branch of GenX 0.3.6, modified to model fusion reactors. GenX is available at and the specific versions used are achived below via Zenodo: Two branches of GenX were used: (for MedOppMaintenance-rev4) commit b35767788466ecc0077899fbe863568e26fa9784 (for MedOppMaintenance-rev5) commit 0ffe45f0fdc562b62111e772bfd47eb7b20860ac GenX was run on Princeton's `della` cluster using Julia 1.6.7. Gurobi 9.5.2 was used as the optimizer for GenX. Files for Steps 1 and 2 are found at

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