Data for "The role of fruitless in specifying courtship behaviors across divergent Drosophila species"
Guan, Xiao-Juan;Choi, Minseung;Murthy, Mala;Baker, Christa A
Issue date: 2024
GNU General Public License
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Cite as:
Guan, Xiao-Juan, Choi, Minseung, Murthy, Mala, & Baker, Christa A. (2024). Data for "The role of fruitless in specifying courtship behaviors across divergent Drosophila species" [Data set]. Princeton University.
@electronic{guan_xiaojuan_2024, author = {Guan, Xiao-Juan and Choi, Minseung and Murthy, Mala and Baker, Christa A}, title = {{Data for "The role of fruitless in speci fying courtship behaviors across diverge nt Drosophila species" }}, publisher = {{Princeton University}}, year = 2024, url = {} }
These files contain code used to segment D. virilis acoustic duets, quantification of courtship behaviors during acoustic duets, and measurements of duet song features.