Shock Compression of Fluorapatite to 120 GPa: Wave Profile Data

Winey, J. M.; Toyoda, Y.; Gupta, Y. M.; Duffy, T. S.; Rucks, Melinda
Issue date: 2022
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY)
Cite as:
Winey, J. M., Toyoda, Y., Gupta, Y. M., Duffy, T. S., & Rucks, Melinda. (2022). Shock Compression of Fluorapatite to 120 GPa: Wave Profile Data [Data set]. Princeton University.
  author      = {Winey, J. M. and
                Toyoda, Y. and
                Gupta, Y. M. and
                Duffy, T. S. and
                Rucks, Melinda},
  title       = {{Shock Compression of Fluorapatite to 120
                 GPa: Wave Profile Data}},
  publisher   = {{Princeton University}},
  year        = 2022,
  url         = {}

The item included here is a collection of wave profiles collected and presented in the accompanying paper: Rucks, M. J., Winey, J. M., Toyoda, T., Gupta, Y. M., & Duffy, T. S. (in review). "Shock compression of fluorapatite to 120 GPa" Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.

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