Novel angular velocity estimation technique for plasma filaments

Lampert, Mate ; Diallo, Ahmed ; Zweben, Stewart
Issue date: 2022
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY)
Cite as:
Lampert, Mate, Diallo, Ahmed, & Zweben, Stewart. (2022). Novel angular velocity estimation technique for plasma filaments [Data set]. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University.
  author      = {Lampert, Mate and
                Diallo, Ahmed and
                Zweben, Stewart},
  title       = {{Novel angular velocity estimation techni
                que for plasma filaments}},
  publisher   = {{Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Pri
                nceton University}},
  year        = 2022,
  url         = {}

Data for the figures in text format. Please read the README file for detailed description. The data are a result of the calculations presented in the Review of Scientific Instruments publication titled "Novel angular velocity estimation technique for plasma filaments".

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