MultiChannel Pattern Analysis: Correlation-Based Decoding with fNIRS

Emberson, Lauren; Zinszer, Benjamin
Issue date: 2016
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY)
Cite as:
Emberson, Lauren & Zinszer, Benjamin. (2016). MultiChannel Pattern Analysis: Correlation-Based Decoding with fNIRS [Data set]. Princeton University.
  author      = {Emberson, Lauren and
                Zinszer, Benjamin},
  title       = {{MultiChannel Pattern Analysis: Correlati
                on-Based Decoding with fNIRS}},
  publisher   = {{Princeton University}},
  year        = 2016,
  url         = {}

Implement multichannel pattern analysis (MCPA) with NIRS a la Emberson, Zinszer, Raizada and Aslin If you want to be alerted of updates to the code, please email Benjamin Zinszer You will only receive emails if there are significant changes made to the code. Alternatively, come back and visit this github repository because changes will be pushed to this location. Two datasets were used in the paper. Dataset #1 has been published in Emberson, Richards & Aslin (2015, control group) and is available in full as part of this repository. Dataset #2 has yet to be published and thus the original dataset is not yet available in this repository. The output of this code (i.e., decoding accuracy) is available for both datasets, along with the code used for implementing the mixed effects models reported in Emberson, Zinszer, Raizada and Aslin is available in a complementary repository If you have questions, please email either Lauren Emberson or Benjamin Zinszer

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# Filename Filesize
1 ReadME.txt 1.1 KB
3 SampleAnalysesForDataset1.m 1.98 KB
4 WDIT_control2_Ss1_25_homerandotp.mat 437 MB
5 allData_MultiRS2_struct.mat 331 MB
6 estimate_WindowAverages.m 4 KB
7 get_subject_events2.m 1.67 KB
8 leave_one_Ss_out_classifyAverages.m 10.4 KB
9 leave_one_Ss_out_classifyIndividualEvents.m 13.8 KB