The bitKlavier Grand consists of sample collections of a new Steinway D grand piano from nine different stereo mic images, with: 16 velocity layers, at every minor 3rd (starting at A0); Hammer release samples; Release resonance samples; Pedal samples. Release packages at 96k/24bit, 88.2k/24bit, 48k/24bit, 44.1k/16bit are available for various applications. Binaural: Neumann KU100 This is the binaural head placed in the same location as a seated pianist. It accurately captures what the player would hear while playing the instrument. File Naming Convention: C4 = middle C. Main note names: [note name][octave]v[velocity].wav -- e.g., “D#5v13.wav”. Release resonance notes: harm[note name][octave]v[velocity].wav -- e.g., “harmC2v2.wav”. Hammer samples: rel[1-88].wav (one per key) -- e.g., “rel23.wav”. Pedal samples: pedal[D/U][velocity].wav -- e.g., “pedalU2.wav” => pedal release (U = up), velocity = 2 (quicker release than velocity = 1).
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