41. To dee or not to dee: costs and benefits of altering the triangularity of a steady-state DEMO-like reactor Author(s): Schwartz, Jacob A.; Nelson, A. O.; Kolemen, Egemen Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2022
42. Analytic stability boundaries for compressional and global Alfven eigenmodes driven by fast ions. II. Interaction via Landau resonance. Author(s): Lestz, J. B.; Gorelenkov, N. N.; Belova, E. V.; Tang, S. X.; Crocker, N. A. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2020
43. Data from "Manifestations of metastable criticality in glassy water-like models detected by large-scale structural properties" Author(s): Gartner III, Thomas E.; Torquato, Salvatore; Car, Roberto; Debenedetti, Pablo G. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2020
44. Lower Hybrid Drift Waves During Guide Field Reconnection Author(s): Yoo, Jongsoo; Ji, Jeong-Young; Ambat, M.V.; Wang, Shan; Ji, Hantao; Lo, Jenson; Li, Bowen; Ren, Yang; Jara-Almonte, J.; Fox, William; Yamada, Masaaki; Alt, Andrew; Goodman, Aaron Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2020
45. Modeling of resistive plasma response in toroidal geometry using an asymptotic matching approach Author(s): Wang, Z. R.; Glasser, A. H.; Brennan, D.; Liu, Y. Q.; Park, J-K. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2020
46. Simulating pitch angle scattering using an explicitly solvable energy-conserving algorithm Author(s): Zhang, Xin; Fu, Yichen; Qin, Hong Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2020
47. Statistical properties of magnetic structures and energy dissipation during turbulent reconnection in the Earth's magnetotail Author(s): Bergstedt, K.; Ji, H.; Jara-Almonte, J.; Yoo, J.; Ergun, R. E.; Chen, L. -J. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2020
48. A scalable real-time framework for Thomson scattering analysis: Application to NSTX-U Author(s): Laggner, F. M.; Diallo, A.; LeBlanc, B. P.; Rozenblat, R.; Tchilinguirian, G.; Kolemen, E. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2019
49. Analytic stability boundaries for compressional and global Alfven eigenmodes driven by fast ions. I. Interaction via ordinary and anomalous cyclotron resonances. Author(s): Lestz, J. B.; Gorelenkov, N. N.; Belova, E. V.; Tang, S. X.; Crocker, N. A. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2019
50. Design and simulation of the snowflake divertor control for NSTX-U Author(s): Vail, P. J.; Boyer, M. D.; Welander, A. S.; Kolemen, E. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2019