1. Data for "Cerebellar contributions to a brainwide network for flexible behavior" Author(s): Verpeut, Jessica; Bergeler, Silke; Kislin, Mikhail; Townes, William; Klibaite, Ugne; Dhanerawala, Zahra; Hoag, Austin; Jung, Caroline; Lee, Junuk; Pisano, Thomas; Seagraves, Kelly; Shaevitz, Joshua; Wang, Samuel Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
2. Deep Behavioral Phenotyping Of Mouse Autism Models using Open-Field Behavior Author(s): Klibaite, Ugne; Kislin, Mikhail; Verpeut, Jessica L.; Sun, Xiaoting; Shaevitz, Joshua W.; Wang, Samuel S.-H. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
3. Integrative Mechanisms of Social Attention Author(s): Bio, Branden; Graziano, Michael Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
4. The 21st year: transcription, motif list, and relation score Author(s): Chang, Claire H. C.; Lazaridi, Christina; Yeshurun, Yaara; Norman, Kenneth A.; Hasson, Uri Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
5. The Attention Schema Theory in an Artificial Neural Network Agent: Controlling Visuospatial Attention Using a Descriptive Model of Attention Author(s): Wilterson, Andrew; Graziano, Michael Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021