111. A software package for plasma facing component analysis and design: the Heat flux Engineering Analysis Toolkit (HEAT) Author(s): Looby, Tom; Reinke, Matthew; Wingen, Andreas; Menard, Jonathan; Gerhardt, Stefan; Gray, Travis; Donovan, David; Unterberg, Ezekial; Klabacha, Jonathan; Messineo, Mike Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
112. A thermodynamic phase transition in magnetic reconnection Author(s): Jara-Almonte, Jonathan; Ji, Hantao Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
113. CMT3D - Catalog Author(s): Sawade, Lucas; Beller, Stephen; Lei, Wenjie; Tromp, Jeroen Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
114. CMT3D - Software Author(s): Sawade, Lucas; Lei, Wenjie; Beller, Stephen; Tromp, Jeroen Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
115. Code and data from "Comparative genomic analysis reveals varying levels of mammalian adaptation to coronavirus infections" Author(s): Singh, Mona; King, Sean Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
116. Coupling between Alfven wave and Kelvin-Helmholtz waves in the low latitude boundary layer Author(s): Kim, Eun-Hwa; Johnson, Jay; Nykyri, Katariina Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
117. CrvA and CrvB form a curvature-inducing module sufficient to induce cell shape complexity in Gram-negative bacteria Author(s): Martin, Nicholas R; Blackman, Edith; Bratton, Benjamin P; Chase, Katelyn J; Bartlett, Thomas M; Gitai, Zemer Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
118. Data for "Cerebellar contributions to a brainwide network for flexible behavior" Author(s): Verpeut, Jessica; Bergeler, Silke; Kislin, Mikhail; Townes, William; Klibaite, Ugne; Dhanerawala, Zahra; Hoag, Austin; Jung, Caroline; Lee, Junuk; Pisano, Thomas; Seagraves, Kelly; Shaevitz, Joshua; Wang, Samuel Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
119. Data for: 'Facies control on carbonate δ13C on the Great Bahama Bank' Author(s): Geyman, Emily C.; Maloof, Adam C. Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021
120. Data for: 'How is sea level change encoded in carbonate stratigraphy?' Author(s): Geyman, Emily C.; Maloof, Adam C.; Dyer, Blake Type: Dataset Issue Date: 2021